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Employee and Customer File Update

August 30, 2024

  • Employee records were initially using the MART tool, and the data imported to the MART tool was envisioned with a different approach for the use of the Multidev employee data.
  • Primarily, employee address and phone numbers were loaded.
  • As time progressed and the updates from UKG were thought through it was determined that store addresses should be loaded.
  • The UKG tool was implemented, and recurring inserts and updates were done with the store address.
  • Further, decisions about how employee sales were to be processed led us to a path that all employees would also have a record in the customer file.
  • A trigger on the employee table was implemented to maintain the customer record for newly created employees.
  • The following maintenance is required.
    • Update EMPLOYEE to set addresses to store addresses
      • See: O:\MISGRP\SQL Notes\Multidev Queries\Update EMPLOYEE from SALESBRANCH.sql
      • Export the results of query to: \\c$\Multidev\SQL Table Updates\Data\employee address UPDATE.txt
      • See: \\c$\Multidev\SQL Table Updates\Scripts\employee address UPDATE.sql
      • Load update with: \VM-MULTIDEVSV1A\Multidev\Tools\UpdateTableExcel.exe
    • Update CUSTOMERS to set addresses to store addresses
      • See: O:\MISGRP\SQL Notes\Multidev Queries\Update CUSTOMERS from SALESBRANCH.sql
      • Export the results of query to: \\c$\Multidev\SQL Table Updates\Data\customers address UPDATE.txt
      • See: \\c$\Multidev\SQL Table Updates\Scripts\customers address UPDATE.sql
      • Load update with: \VM-MULTIDEVSV1A\Multidev\Tools\UpdateTableExcel.exe
  • Verify that all customers with “EP” are in employee table
    • We can add missing employees through MART.
  • Verify that all employees are in customer table as “EP” records
    • Review with Pablo how to add new records (MART tab has a lot of columns that we don’t need to add for employee customers and he may have a script)
  • DESTPRV table is used as a common name table for employee, customer, supplier and payroll records.
    • Verify that all customers with “EP” are in destprv table as CUSTID
    • Verify that all employees are in destprv table as EMPLYID
    • Variances should be raised with Pablo to determine missing records in the destprv table should be added.